Saturday, October 20, 2012

a bun in the oven

I have some very exciting news to share (for anyone who reads SSH whom I haven't talked to lately): Judd and I are expecting a baby girl on or around December 30th! I am quite certain she is going to turn our lives upside down, but we can't wait to meet her and bring her home in about ten more weeks.

I've had a pretty easy time so far - no morning sickness or any major complaints - but I do miss eating some of the foods that I've been advised not to eat, including Boar's Head deli turkey (why!!??? it's so innocent!) and raw tuna. It also took a while to adjust to the severe reduction in my caffeine and splenda intake, and don't even get me started on how much I miss wine. (I haven't gone this long without alcohol since I was a teenager.)

I haven't really had any strange food cravings, either, though I've gone to the Palm often enough that I joined their frequent diner club and will order macaroni and cheese, or anything covered in cheese for that matter, anytime I see it on a menu. So you can guess how plump and round I look by now, notwithstanding the 3-pound baby in my abdomen.  Last week, I decided to connect with my inner tourist and stopped by the famed Carnegie Deli (it's only a few blocks from my office) for a corned beef sandwich on rye. And I ate the ENTIRE thing.

Anyway, I intend to keep food the focus of SSH, but it may sometimes be of the pureed fruit and vegetable variety.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

my favorite vinaigrette

Several months ago, my friend Steph suggested I do a blog post about salad dressing.  Excellent idea! I made a mental note to take photos and notes the next few times I made salad.  And somehow, nearly three months went by before I got my act together to share a very simple recipe for my favorite go-to salad dressing, which I particularly like with bibb lettuce. It tastes very French to me, and the shallots are mild enough that they don't overpower the delicate mustard-lemon balance (I generally don't like raw onions or even scallions, so if you can't find shallots, look for a sweet onion, like a vidalia).

Here's what you'll need:

1/2 large shallot, finely minced
1 heaping tablespoon dijon mustard
juice of 1 lemon
1/4 cup + one tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
salt and pepper

Mix all ingredients together, season with salt and pepper, and toss with lettuce.