Just back from a wonderful week in Wellfleet with my mom and sister. Gorgeous weather allowed us to spend many relaxing hours and the beach. Which was great. But the main attraction on Cape Cod is not the natural beauty or family fun. It's the food. The two things I most enjoy about my family's annual summer pilgrimage are 1) grilling and 2) eating seafood, preferably fried (lobster rolls are also acceptable). And I got in plenty of both.
I had an idea to have a Cape Cod version of a steakhouse dinner on our first night in Wellfleet. At my suggestion, my sister spent big bucks on three delicious steaks from Lobel's (thanks again!) which we brought up to Wellfleet with us in a cooler: filets for me and Kristy and a ribeye for my mom. We grilled them and served them with creamed spinach, corn on the cob, and a sliced tomato and onion salad inspired by my first and only meal at Peter Luger's.
I was quite pleased with how everything turned out.
Later in the week, we stopped by the Friendly Fisherman in Eastham for lobster rolls. Here are some photos of their enormous lobster rolls (we estimated that at least two lobsters died to make each over-stuffed lobster roll) along with their excellent onion rings.

No post about Cape Cod dining would be complete without mentioning Arnold's in Eastham, my very favorite fried seafood purveyor. Their fried clams are superb. And you don't have to take my word for it -- Food and Wine Magazine has declared their clams the best in the world. I ate lots of them on each of our two meals at Arnold's last week, as well as their fried scallops.
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