Saturday, January 9, 2010

A cat needs her Tasti-D-Lite

I am smitten with my four year-old cat, Tessa. Judd, despite a severe cat allergy, is also smitten. Together, we are so smitten, in fact, that against our better judgment, we have been known to indulge some of her unusual tastes in food, including oatmeal, greek yogurt, rice pudding, rice, nutella, pecorino cheese, american cheese, deli turkey, bologna, sardines, roast suckling pig (from Pig Heaven), and chicken McNuggets (why Judd brought these home, I am not sure). It's not like she ever asked us to share any of these foods with her -- I do not believe that she understands English and certainly cannot speak it. We only know she likes these foods because, if you are eating any one of them, you literally have to fight her off with a stick unless you're willing to share some with her.

But I have never seen her get as excited about human food as she has been lately about Tasti-D-Lite chocolate cookie sandwiches. I bought a six-pack for Judd the other day, and each time he eats one, she climbs all over him meowing until she can get in a lick or two. It is hilarious to watch.

Last night, as she lay curled up and snoozing in the wicker basket where she spends most of her time, the mere sound of Judd's opening the plastic container which holds the Tasti cookies was enough to instantly rouse her from her cat nap and send her desperately scrambling into the kitchen. Here are some photos of her subsequent furious efforts to share Judd's dessert.

It's worth mentioning that she also likes to eat things that aren't typically considered food to humans or felines, like ribbons, flower petals, leaves, toilet paper, and paper towel. She's still developing her palette.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, Tessa's such a little doll! So nice to see her again, and this time without a cast.
