Monday, February 15, 2010


I love guacamole. With chips, as a garnish for soup, fajitas, or quesadillas, or just eaten with a fork. All of which I enjoy guilt-free since avocados, while very high in fat -- but the healthy kind of fat -- have lots of potassium and fiber.

This year, I made it for Steph's Superbowl party. In fact, Steph took this picture of my guacamole sitting on her coffee table in between chips, crudite, and a delightful array of unhealthy hors d'oeuvres. I don't love professional football, and I didn't have any particular interest in this year's game, but I do love snack food and Steph and her boyfriend served an impressive spread of the kinds of things I really should only eat once a year or during the cocktail hour of weddings including mini-quiches, pigs in a blanket, and chicken nuggets.

Guacamole is so easy to make. The key is ripe avocados. Since the Superbowl was on Sunday afternoon, I bought the three avocados I'd need on Wednesday night. I recommend the Hass variety. When you buy them, they'll probably be green and rock hard and they aren't ripe until the skin gets really dark -- practically black -- and is soft to the touch. I let mine ripen in a basket on top of my refrigerator until I needed them. The avocado will slip right out of its peel with a spoon when its ripe.

The only other thing to keep in mind is that avocado flesh will oxidize and turn an ugly brown color once it is cut up. So don't even think of making guacamole a day ahead of time. You will have a few hours of bright green guacamole if you use enough lime juice. But that's it. Here's my recipe:


3 ripe Hass avocados, peeled and cut into cubes
the juice of one lime
1/4 cup finely chopped white or spanish onion
1 jalapeno, seeds removed and minced
about 15 cherry or grape tomatoes, cut into little pieces
2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
1/2 teaspoon salt, and more if you think it needs more

Mash the avocado and lime juice in a mixing bowl. Stir in all remaining ingredients. Taste to see if you need more salt. Adjust accordingly.

Serves at least 6 people, and more if you're serving lots of other things too.

1 comment:

  1. Yum. I like to add garlic and a little cumin as well...
