An anonymous commenter recently asked for my chicken stock recipe. I've only made it twice (though last year I made my own turkey stock!) but I'm happy to share my technique, since I wouldn't really call this a recipe.
Step one: stick chicken carcass in a large pot with 3 unpeeled carrots, 1 unpeeled onion, two ribs of celery, a bunch of dill, a bunch of parsley, a bunch of thyme, 6-10 peppercorns, and water to cover.
Step 2: cook over medium heat for a long time (2 - 3 hours).
Step 3: strain contents of pot reserving the liquid - VOILA! You have made chicken stock.

Anonymous No Longer Says....."Thank you for the superb chicken stock recipe. My Italian mother in law may now find me an appropriate match for her son now that I can make something of my own from scratch. YUM."